How many people do you know who carry a New Testament pocket Bible inside their coat or suitcase? Do you carry one? And why do we walk about with half — actually less than half — of the Bible? See my side of the story “Splitting Scripture: exploring the foundations.”
For verily I say unto you, till Heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Matthew 5:18
If you ask David Rives, Ken Ham, or almost any other expert biblical scientist, they will always emphasize the importance of the entirety of the bible being kept together. One part — usually starting in Genesis one to eleven — will be essential to a full understanding of another. If you have ever read the Bible you probably know that a New Testament will not include the origins, or the Old Testament prophecies. So where and why do we draw the line between what is and is not acceptable when it comes to handing out — well — a piece of Scripture?
The first complete new testament was listed in a letter by Athanasius, a bishop in Alexandria in the 300’s A.D. The market for pocket-sized Bibles can make quick money for a publisher, but there is more to the story than this, though it may not be the intent of publishers.

Brief Information
A pocket-sized New Testamentnoften comes with the books of Psalms and Proverbs. It is commonly known to be published by the Gideons International ministry. Many hotel rooms across America are supplied with Full-sized Bibles provided by this non-profit organization and its supporters. New Testaments are also used and recommended as a witnessing tool.
Could Bible publishers like the Gideons be doing a disservice to unreached people?
Effective presentation, a necessary element in sharing the gospel with an unbeliever, requires the full facts. My father often tells me the concepts and necessities of Effective Communication. It is true that most of the beginning steps of the Christian faith trace most directly back to the New Testament. However, the New Testament itself depends on prophecies and histories found only in the Old Testament books.
The Attack
In an age where the Bible’s authority is being questioned, specifically in topics such as Jesus’ existence, the divinity of Jesus, end time prophecy, historical events such as the Exodus, and even Genesis. The most sneaky, deceitful, malicious, conniving and even vicious methods are used to discard these topics. For example, did you know that some of the astronauts were Masons? Now did you know that the fact that some astronauts were Masons proves that man never really went to space? That this was a conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth was really — Wait for it —
That is an outrageous lie! — or perhaps a fantastic delusion.
The Bible tells us that the earth is, in fact, a spherical body. Since this is not the current topic, you can learn all about this in the Creation Guys’ film “Faith on the Edge”
How many of these ideas did you learn in school? The Earth is flat — The Big Bang made Everything from Nothing exploding!
— Billions of years explain everything — Uniformitarianism — The exodus is fiction — Jesus didn’t die… He fainted — Pre-tribulation rapture — etc.
These are all the ways that secular persuasionists try to disprove the authority of the Holy Scriptures. A person is given the message of the Gospel. However, they are being left vulnerable to attacks on parts of the Bible they don’t know. And while you can argue that one won’t go to Heaven or Hell based on your belief in any of the above topics, your trust in the Bible affects your trust in it’s Author -God Himself
The Takeaway
New Testament pocket-Bibles are good witnessing tools for someone you regularly speak to. A person you know will usually be near enough that they can come to you for advice. You can always help them with difficulties, and furnish them with a Bible. But in a situation where you may never see someone again, it is best to give them all available information up front. It is between them and God to determine how they will use the resources.
Now, I have made known my opinion based on the facts. Help Yourself to your own personal decision. You can determine how you will deliver the message in a situation you are in. You alone will know it better than anyone else. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the writer, the speaker, the giver of knowledge. You and I are His messenger, the postman so to speak, a tool in God’s almighty hand.
For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
— Matthew 10:20