In the southern middle-eastern region, hidden in caves, protected by clay vessels, and undiscovered for centuries, and then accidentally discovered by a wandering Israeli shepherd boy, is the missing link. The connector between man and commonly known primates has been discovered. But, it’s not what you might expect! That’s why the publicity machine largely ignored it!

Portions of this famous collection are distributed in museums between the United States and Israel. It has formed a solid wall to support history’s greatest testimony. The same is told in famous literature across the globe. This literature tells of the history since the dawn of time. It is also the most important piece of evidence verifying the biblical answer to what some scientists say is the one most important link in the family of mammals. Evidence that, by its testimony, traces its way back three times farther than the artifacts in question. It has been carefully protected against the elements, and delicately preserved. These relics have grown to priceless value, with some components even existing on the black market.

What testimony do these relics tell?

Among many, the testimony absolutely confirms the validity of the biblical account. After the creation of felines, canines, and primates, as well as all other ground-dependent animals, on day six of creation, God created man to share the ground with them. He then gave man dominion and responsibility over them, around 6,000 years ago. Around 3,500 years ago, between then and the rising of Israel as a nation, in the early historic times, Moses wrote these things in a book called Genesis. This book preceded the other four books of the Torah.

These were written in a series of scrolls between the lifetime of Jesus and 70 a.d. They were then hidden in caves along with the rest of the Bible around 1,700 years ago. Discovered only decades ago, Moses’ words were confirmed by these writings. The most important account of all time was now proven as true as it was always known to be.

What is this missing link?

The Dead Sea Scrolls

For Further Reading,  Info, and Sources:

Hayden C

I have written twelve issues of the Strange and Miraculous Ways series, detailing a few of the ways that God has been working in my life through the upheaval of the past two years. I am also currently working on a full-length novel, The Euranian Knights.