RGBright Holidays is a branch of RGBrightMAP that works in partnership with BrainWave Digital to produce holiday-themed videos for select holidays.
Father’s Day was established to recognize fathers and Fatherhoodhood. In the United States, it is marked by high levels of tie and neckwear sales, as well as the purchasing of tools and outdoor gear.
Most commonly known as the Fourth of July, Independence Day is an American holiday commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
It is marked most obviously by the purchase and use of fireworks, as well as the high number of babeques, festivals, and fairs held on and around that day.
Independence Day is generally held to be America’s most patriotic holiday.
Thanksgiving Day is commonly understood to commemorate a feast held in 1621, and was established as a day to be grateful for blessings such as safety, family, and provisions.
Today, Thanksgiving is marked by the sale and consumption of turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, and various other vegetables, as well as pumpkin pie. Many families and cultures throughout the U.S. share a wide range of traditions, both in their feasts and family gatherings.
Thanksgiving is followed by Black Friday, which is the day for commercial sales and discounts, and marks the beginning of the Christmas holiday season.
Christmas Day is primarily a Christian holiday celebrating the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
The Christmas season is marked by high card sales and gift-giving, as well as the cultural traditions of colored lights, decorated trees, and carols.
Christmas also accounts for the second-highest level of church attendance.
Each year, most of the world comes together to celebrate the passing of an old year and the dawn of a new one.
New Year’s Day is marked by high levels of alcohol consumption and is punctuated by the Times Square Ball Drop at midnight in New York City.
The 1788 song “Auld Lang Syne”, by Robert Burns, is commonly associated with this holiday. The title, “Auld Lang Syne”, is loosely translated to refer to “Days Gone By”, “Days of Old”, or “Good Old Days”.
Also called Easter or Pascha, Resurrection Sunday is celebrated by Christians to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ three days (72 hours) after His crucifixion and death.
In Christian tradition, Resurrection Sunday falls at the end of Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and includes Spy Wednesday, Maundy or Holy Thursday, and Good Friday.
Resurrection Sunday generally follows the observance of Lent, and is followed by Eastertide, which begins on Resurrection Sunday and lasts for fifty days, ending on the Day of Pentecost.
Resurrection Sunday is marked by the highest level of church attendance of the enitre year.
Mother’s Day was established to recognize mothers and motherhood. In the United States, it is marked by high levels of holiday card sales and purchases of items directed at older female audiences. Mother’s Day also accounts for high church attendance and restaurant patronage.