me cover

My heart, it breaks
My brain, it hurts
My soul, it aches

For I have lost a friend
One that I never had
I lost a love
That once grace could have

For what I lost can never be found
What I lost cuts me to the ground
I lost a love so great
I lost a friend so dear yet not

What did I lose?
I lost myself
I lost my drive
I lost my feeling
My love inside

For I gave away my soul to gain the world
And yet I gained nothing
Nothing but pain
Nothing but toil…

I wish every day to wake up
When this is over
For I am tired of living this dream

I wish every day to be relieved
Relieved of this dismay
But I see it not soon
Or at least not this day

So I have lost something great
So great even those words don’t describe
Something my words seem unworthy to speak
For I have lost “Me…”