Dear Alcohol…
1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots, 4
You would hold me captive but, no more
The drink has no grip on me
I am free, I am free
You would pull me into false confidence
Telling me lies about who the real me is
And when things went wrong you were there
But when I got caught, you were gone into the air
For you wanted me at my worst
You were my curse
But even curses can be broken
I could break free and be awoken
You come fast, but leave slowly
You arrive like you are running a 100-yard dash
But I must break free
You blinded me but I shall see
You hid me from reality
But it is reality that should hide from me
For my chains are gone
I am free, this cage I was in
No longer burdens me
Goodbye alcohol
God hath saved me
You may miss me but
I will never miss thee…